Did you know that once upon a time, hip replacements were done using ivory?
Today’s techniques are a little different, and better in absolutely every single way. In fact, the newest technique, SPAIRE, can even get you back on your feet the day after your surgery. MSK Doctors in London has a handy guide that walks you through all your options, check it out at https://mskdoctors.com/doctors/thula-chelvan/articles/spaire-hip-replacement-purpose-benefits-side-effects-cost-time-to-work
The Future Of Surgery, Is Now
It’s obvious to anyone that we’ve come a long way since ivory hips, but what you may not is that with today’s cutting-edge surgical techniques and medical science, you can expect a much faster, more complete, and less painful recovery, than you might have expected even just 10 years ago.
These new techniques aren’t “the standard,” yet, so you won’t find them at most clinics – but that doesn’t mean they aren’t available. It’s just going to take some time to train all the surgeons in new techniques.
That means, if you want the benefits of the most advanced medical science, you need to find an expert who’s already trained, and experienced in these new surgeries.
Don’t worry, it’s not that hard – you can book your own appointment even, with no referral, just pop by the MSK Doctors website anytime, and pick a specialist. They don’t even use waiting lists, so you can always get in soon.
SPAIRE – What It Is & Why It’s Better
SPAIRE stands for Soft-tissue Preserving, Anatomic, Internus muscle Retaining, External rotator preserving… but let’s assume that doesn’t tell you what you want to know, and look a little deeper.
If I were to describe it, without the acronym, I would put it this way:
Imagine a traditional hip surgery, where the medical team has to cut all those muscles and tendons in your hip, to get the new one in. Now imagine it again, but without causing damage to most of those very important muscles and tendons. That’s SPAIRE.
You can probably also imagine, reducing the damage caused to all those muscles, makes the healing process a lot easier, because you don’t have to heal them at the same time. As an added bonus, having strong, undamaged muscles and tendons around your new hip, makes standing, moving, and just existing, a whole lot easier and less painful.
Let’s Look At The Research
I don’t want to quote a bunch of confusing medical studies, but if you’re interested in the specifics, you can easily find them at the link I shared, or just ask a specialist.
Instead, let me hit you with the highlights, because there are a few key points that really matter.
- On Your Feet Faster – since all those muscles are still strong and intact, it’s a lot easier to stand, and you can begin practicing with crutches the day after your surgery.
- Back To Home Sooner – for much the same reason, because there’s less damage to heal, most folks can go back home within 24 hours of their operation.
- Don’t Dislocate – one of the most common problems with a hip replacement, is the likelihood of accidentally dislocating it during recovery. Not with SPAIRE though, because the muscle is intact, there’s very little risk of dislocations.
- Less Pain, More Action – with all those muscles intact and uncut, there’s a lot less overall pain, and your body can further reduce it faster, since it has less to heal.
Your Recovery, Customised
If I can offer just one piece of advice, it’s this: Get a custom-built recovery plan from a specialist, and stick to it.
Following the plan will make sure you recover at the best speed, and have the most complete recovery possible, before you put too much strain on your new hip.
If you’re otherwise still capable, there’s no reason you can’t go back to jogging, running, or even playing sports – but only if you take your recovery seriously. MSK Doctors specialists can really help with this, because they’ll take a holistic view of the whole you, and what you need to do to get back to peak strength.
What About The Scar?
Admittedly, this is the one downside to the SPAIRE technique, it leaves a fairly visible scar.
Now, if you’re not worried about that, then SPAIRE is probably the best technique available for a fast, easy, and complete recovery… however, if you are concerned about the scar, let me suggest, BIKINI surgery.
I know, it’s an odd name for a surgery, but it will make sense, I promise.
This new technique, which MSK Doctors surgeons also specialise in, offers most of the same benefits, plus one extra – it hides the scar in your “bikini line.”
It might not be 100% invisible, but with this technique, it’s certainly a lot less obvious, and the more skilled your surgeon is, the better they’ll be able to hide it.
Find Out More, From The Source
If you still want to know more, or you want to book yourself in for an appointment, that’s easy.
MSK Doctors has detailed write-ups explaining each technique, how it works, and what to expect – and you can even book an appointment to talk to one of their specialists.
In fact, you can book an appointment for consultation, diagnosis, or even treatment, without a referral from your GP, and without any waiting list, either online or over the phone.
With the right experts, and the most cutting-edge techniques, you’ll be back on your feet a lot faster than you might expect.
Get all the details, or book an appointment, at https://mskdoctors.com/doctors/thula-chelvan/articles/spaire-hip-replacement-purpose-benefits-side-effects-cost-time-to-work
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